Introducing Calendar View

Okay, we’re not saying we’re basing our product roadmap on the technological achievements of the ancient Babylonians or anything, but it does seem right that after nailing down records management for the post-clay-tablet era, we’re moving on to calendars. Starting today, you’ll see a new view type nestled beside forms and grids: calendar! When you…

Using Airtable to manage editorial content

Editorial calendars are an indispensable tool for streamlining the entire publishing process and ensuring a consistent output of content. From brainstorming ideas, to sending drafts off for editing, to managing art assets, to scheduling and rescheduling articles—a good editorial calendar can make your publication-related tasks a whole lot easier. Let’s take a look at an…

A New View of Arts Organization

The following post comes courtesy of author and database expert Stuart Gripman. Gripman has been wrangling databases for over two decades, first at FileMaker and later as the founder of Crooked Arm Consulting, a database consulting firm that has helped everyone from the U.S. space program to fine art patrons, system administrators, digital projection cinemas,…

Students, meet your match: How ScholarMatch made Airtable work for them, Part 2

This is the second of a two-part series on ScholarMatch. For more on ScholarMatch, and their use of Airtable for managing donations, see Part 1. Getting with the program The barriers faced by ScholarMatch’s students aren’t just financial. More often than not, aspiring college graduates from low-income backgrounds lack access to the counseling services necessary…

Students, meet your match: How ScholarMatch made Airtable work for them, Part 1

The story in four sentences Background: ScholarMatch, a small nonprofit serving underprivileged students by crowdfunding college scholarships, started using an Airtable database as an inexpensive and flexible software solution for managing donors and donations. As the organization grew larger, and broadened its mission to include comprehensive college counseling services, ScholarMatch was able to easily adapt…